Adapt to prosper with our green impact finance
Under the Green Impact Finance facility, Konga Microfinance offers the following financial products to productive enterprises, such as smallholder farmers and SMEs operating in sectors of sustainable agriculture, green energy supply, installation and maintenance, biomas harvesting and processing, sustainable tourism, the harvesting and processing of natural resources, including forestry products, borehole drilling and water pumping and storage infrastructure, Waste Management and Recycling.

Short Term Loans: Working Capital Finance
Loans range from N$35,000 – N$350,000 per transaction (unsecured)
This product is designed for SMEs and Smallholder farmers needing working capital to fulfil urgent contractual obligations in the sectors outlined above.
- Loan term: 12 — 24 months,
- Grace period: 3 months
- Interest rate: prime less 4%
- Applicants wishing to access this product must have valid supply contracts or off-taker agreements with bulk clients or contracting parties in place
- Sign a cession of income agreement between the lender, borrower (“cedent”) and debtor to the cedent, to guarantee timely loan repayment after delivery of products and services to the end-user.

Long Term Loans – Asset Backed Finance
Loans range from N$400,000 – N$2,000,000 per transaction (secured)
This product is designed for SMEs and Smallholder farmers determined to making a measurable impact in the economy, who need capital to invest in advanced technologies; machinery and equipment to improve their products, create efficiency, increased revenue and profitability, while creating sustainable employment for their fellow compatriots.
- Loan term: 36 — 96 months
- Grace period: 6 months or more depending on the nature business activity
- Interest rate: prime less 4%
- Adequate collateral is required, in the form of movable and or immovable assets
- Valid supply contracts or off-taker agreements will be a valuable asset
- Namibian citizens or permanent residents aged between 21 and 65 years are eligible to apply;
- Applicants must have regular and verifiable source of income;
- No insolvent or person under garnishee order or administration order may apply;
- The monthly loan repayment amount should not exceed 50% of the monthly disposable income;
- Must have an active bank account into which regular income is paid
How to Apply
Complete an application form which can be obtained from all Konga Microfinance offices or download same from our website and submit your completed application together with all supporting documents as outlined on page 7 of the loan application form.